Humorous content is a very powerful tool in the online sales arena. In the noisy online world, it is vital to engage your website visitor, grab their attention and endear them to your brand.
If you can make your visitor smile, all the better. An engaged, smiling visitor will linger longer and will be more likely to remember you. The engaged visitor can also help you to market your brand by telling others about you and by linking to your website.
You need to please the search engines too. They are hungry beasts and must be fed premium meat. Their meal of choice is original content. By using original, engaging content that attracts back links you will be pleasing your visitors, the search engines and ultimately yourself.
Big brands use humor to spread their message effectively and to get people talking about them. Smaller businesses can also adopt this strategy and benefit from it.
Whilst online customers have become immune to fancy website graphics, the written word remains a powerful sales tool online. If that written word includes a humorous touch, it can result in irresistible killer content that packs a punch. Humorous content can help to break down barriers and to make the online shopping experience more intimate. If you lift your customers’ mood, they will be more receptive to the sales message that you need to deliver.
Whatever your business, original humorous content will help you to outwit your rivals, knock the serious socks off your competition and truly shine online. Humor on its own may not persuade a potential customer to buy your product or service, but it will help to move them in the right direction.
Once you have concluded that humorous content could help your brand or business, you then need to work out where to source the smile-inducing copy which will help you to tell your story. For most businesses, creating this sort of content in-house is not an option, unless you are lucky enough to have a comic copywriter on the payroll.
For the best results, consider outsourcing your content requirements to an experienced freelance writer with a humorous streak. By communicating your needs effectively to your chosen writer, you will be one step closer to having lively content that will engage your customers, get them talking about you and keep them coming back for more.
Your competitors’ sterile SEO copy will pale into insignificance beside your smile-inducing copy. You know your target audience and it is important that you communicate this information to your chosen writer so that the humorous copy can be tailored for your audience.
Humor can be one of your best friends in the online sales jungle. This could be the perfect time to infect your customers with humorous content that has the potential to go viral. socks factory