Singapore and Malaysia are two very exotic and interesting places to visit in South East Asia. Traveling to these countries does not have to be expensive, in fact they are both quite affordable places to visit that offer very good value for money. This article will provide you a practical way to get the most value out of your dollar spent in Malaysia and Singapore. In other words, spending less and enjoying more!
In order to spend less and enjoy more, you must be able to get more value out of your hard earned dollar. One way to do this is to go with the flow of currency value from Singapore to Malaysia. The value of the Singapore Dollar (S$) is much higher than the Malaysia Ringgit (RM) currency. By travelling in the direction from the country with the higher value of the currency, it will give you more buying power in the next country you will visit, and reduces the wastage of left over dollars to be converted to the next currency of your next destination.
Here is an example to explain: Let’s say you have completed your trip in Singapore and you are ready to go on to your trip to Malaysia. You still have a whole bunch of Singapore Dollars left over. What you do is exchange whatever you can into Malaysia Ringgits (which is your next country of destination). You then take out all your solid Singapore dollar bills, the ones in the biggest denominations, such as 10S$, 50S$ and 100S$ bills and you exchange them for Malaysia Ringgit. At the time of writing, approximately 1 Singapore dollar = 2.4 Malaysia Ringgit, which is over 2 times the conversion rate.
By doing this, you will surely minimize any left over Singapore Dollars, and maximize the amount of your Malaysia Ringgit. If you did this the other way around, by converting Malaysia Ringgit to Singapore Dollars, you will definitely be losing out and not be enjoying this significant conversion advantage!
Therefore if you are ever planning a visit to Singapore and Malaysia, it is recommended to visit Singapore first, as it is the country with the higher currency value. By going through Singapore first, you can ensure that you maximize the amount of leftover Singapore dollars to be converted to Malaysia Ringgits. This will help in the long run so that you will not waste any dollars through the exchange rates, and increase the amount of money you have to spend. how to register a business in Singapore