Your health is all you have. That’s why you have to ensure that you do everything you can to improve it. Doing so will protect you from many illnesses and will also help you to live longer. To help you improve your health, we will look at 10 tips for being more healthy.
- Stop smoking – One of the most important things you can do to improve your health is to stop smoking. The electronic cigarette is a healthy alternative that you can try out.
- Don’t have more than 3 drinks a week – Limit your alcohol to no more than 3 units a week. It is also a good idea to switch to red wine from white.
- Control your stress levels – Stress can have a horrible effect on one’s health. Manage your stress by doing meditations, yoga and/Pilates.
- Prepare your food the healthy way – How you prepare your food have a big influence on how healthy it is. Stick to healthy cooking methods like: baking, grilling, steaming and poaching.
- Get enough omega 3 and 6 in – Make sure that you get your daily dose of omegas in by eating fatty fish, walnuts and seeds.
- Include super healthy foods in your diet – Super health foods include: blueberries, almonds, pomegranates, cinnamon, tomatoes, apples, beans, wheat-germ and more. Aim to include these daily.
- Do at least one Pilates class a week – Pilates is excellent for increasing your flexibility and core strength.
- Do regular cardio training – Cardio training will ensure that your cardiovascular system is well working. You should try to get at least 3 cardio session in a week of 20 minutes each.
- Do regular weight training – Weight training strengthens the muscles and the bones. You should also aim to get about 3 weight sessions in a week.
- Laugh more often – A recent study showed that laughing can lower your bad cholesterol levels and blood pressure. So try to laugh more and watch more comedies. vape