Divorce is a life-changing experience, and it’s essential to have reliable legal representation. A good divorce lawyer can help you navigate the complex process and make the right decisions to protect your rights.
A good divorce attorney will listen to you, understand your goals and needs, and have a command of local divorce laws. A strong divorce attorney will also make judgment calls about the specifics of your case, including if you should pursue a collaborative divorce or a trial.
It takes three to twelve months to get a divorce in New York, depending on whether you file for a no-fault or fault-based divorce, and the number of legal issues that need to be settled. Your attorney will need to be able to negotiate, mediate and settle these issues quickly and efficiently to get you on your way.
Your spouse may hide assets from you or attempt to deplete your finances during the divorce. A good divorce lawyer will be able to advise you on how to avoid this and what steps can be taken to ensure that your financial well-being is protected.
Often, spouses disagree on what constitutes fair property division or child and spousal support. The best divorce attorneys will take the time to analyze each client’s unique situation and develop an effective strategy to achieve desired results in court. Most importantly, your Divorce lawyer will be available to you throughout the entire process, and should answer your phone calls and text messages promptly. Scheidungsanwalt