If you’re a retailer or e-commerce seller interested in providing your customers with on-trend genuine leather handbags, consider registering for a reseller account with Wholesale Designer Handbags. Their directory is curated with only highly vetted and trustworthy suppliers who offer authentic designer products at discounted wholesale prices.
Florence Leather Market focuses on the quality of their bags, from the choice of the leather to the careful and delicate manufacturing process, which involves several different artisans and technicians, each specialized in a specific field of the production. For example, the cutting artisan will make a pattern to then cut the pieces of the bag, while the stitching artisan will assemble and stitch the whole piece with the highest attention and precision in order to get a finished product that is identical to the original design.
Their leather messenger bags are extremely versatile, thanks to their large size they can be used as business bags and are ideal for everyday use. While the pochettes, with their soft and simple lines are perfect for a night out or for a formal occasion. Finally, the Florence Leather Market backpacksare designed to combine casual with sophistication: they are a very refined version of the classic backpack, with leather straps and buckles that add a touch of grit to any outfit.
Mirta’s collection of contemporary handmade wholesale bags includes calfskin and faux fur pieces. Their extensive selection offers the variety your customer base demands, from spacious shoulder bags to sleek clutches that are a must for a sophisticated night out. wholesale genuine leather handbags