At present,

the wine though not ceased to be a symbol of a good feast, genuine hospitality and exquisite taste, but no longer plays a decisive role in the evaluation of you as the owner. Most of us have their own preferences on the main characteristics of this drink, sometimes even your favorite manufacturer or their own homemade wine, if you know of course how to make wine. However, even in our time, the choice of wine is an art. Mystery, the veil which so wants to penetrate.
These connoisseurs of fine taste and bouquet of wine is well versed in what the wine which should be performed. The whole point of climate, soil, special growth conditions that affect the taste of grapes, and, correspondingly, and wine. There are certain years, which happens to crop failure, or vice versa, a good vintage. People who know the details, always aware of these dates and make their orders at restaurants or the choice in the stores in accordance with them. But the date – it’s not all.
The most important thing in choosing wine – its consistency atmosphere and dishes that will accompany it. Correctly chosen, they emphasize the delicate taste of your dishes, will open its flavor and serve as a perfect complement to the table. If the wine is chosen incorrectly, it can drown out the taste of food, identify its shortcomings, the failure to form a combination of bouquets and tastes.
So, a few simple rules.
First on the table is always served refreshments. They can serve as a pate, caviar, fish or vegetable salads, cold meats and smoked meats and more. Wine, which is served with them, serves as an appetizer. It prepares the main meal and stimulates the appetite. For this purpose perfect light white wine or dry table, with the first fine for dishes with mayonnaise, and the second is preferable for a very tender and literally melts in your mouth, snacks. From savory is best served port wine or Madeira.
For appetizers followed by main courses. If the first of them – soup, then with wine, not drink, but a couple of sips can be done when the soup is finished.
The second dish – meat or fish – require a more thorough training in the selection of wine. For example, a variety of wine served with fish, very much depends on the type of the fish. What is more tender taste of the dish, the tender must be wine. For tender white meat fish suitable light white wine. Oily fish is perfectly combined with Madeira. Seafood require a wine with a soft taste and delicate aroma.
As for meat, the majority of people here still know that is best served red wine with dark meat and white with white. If you are cooking game, the best complement to it than white fruit wine, you will hardly find. Mutton and beef would have emphasized the remarkable flavor, complemented Cahors, port wine or vermouth. For meat chicken, pork or veal, grilled, just about any wine, as they are, through their own soft taste, revive and beautify any meal.
For the vegetable dishes such as asparagus, green peas, mushrooms and other semi-dry suit or muscatel wine.
Of course, a table without a dessert? Desserts mean sweet dessert wines. This fruit is served with champagne or a fruit wine, flour desserts with sparkling wine or a light dessert wine, as well as the Cahors wine. For ice cream is good to serve liquor.
So, the choice of wine is made. Moreover, in accordance with all regulations. But this is not the end of trouble, as it must also correct the lodge. For the wine temperature is very important, and it can indeed strongly affect the impression that will make your choice for guests.
If your table implies the presence of white wine, be prepared to cool it slightly. Its temperature when applying for a table should be within 10-12 ° C. Red wine, on the contrary, it is necessary to warm up to temperatures of about 18-20 ° C. Dessert wine is not recommended prior to use to put in the refrigerator, as they open up their flavor and bouquet are best at room temperature. But champagne is better to cool slightly, to about 6-8 ° C. But do not freeze! If drink is too cold, you just do not feel all the charm of its taste.
And finally, somewhere for 10 minutes before the anticipated filing of the table wine to open. So you will allow to reveal a bouquet and can enjoy not only the wonderful taste, but also the indescribable flavor of the drink. Best wine tours willamette valley