If you feel like accessibility is an issue where you live, whether this is because you are or you live with a wheelchair user or you regularly find yourself lugging big and heavy things in and out of the house, trapping fingers along the way, a new door or set of doors might well be in order. Gone are the days when the choices of front, side, back or garage door were limited to wood and gone also are the days when UPVC was the only other alternative, we are now in the age of the composite door.
The advantage of the advances in technology are numerous, with the option of having a stable door, double door or standard single door being just the start of it. Your front door is a really important part of your home, it’s not only one of the first things that people see when they visit but it’s also the main point of entry meaning it’s the main first target for thieves and finally, you’ve got to be able to happily get in and out of it a good few times a day.
Whereas wooden and UPVC front doors both have serious flaws and weak points, the composite front door is very strong, offering style and sophistication to suit any home but whilst also effectively withstanding massive force. Doors for anywhere can be composite (meaning they’re made up of more than one material) so if you want a double front door then as long as you’ve got the space for it structurally, you’ll be able to find a door to fit it. However, the other option is to stick with the single front door and opt for a set of double patio or French doors at the back of the house but this is obviously only a suitable solution if you can access the back of your house from the outside, for example down the side of the house.
Not only do composite doors give you more options in terms of size and style but they’re also the most secure type of door you can buy. Their composite nature means that the entire door is strong, from corner to corner and edge to edge, unlike a wooden door or UPVC door, both of which can have weak panels. Composite doors also have multi-point locking systems so rather than just featuring one, two or three locks like a standard door, the security system runs the full height of the door making it seriously burglar proof.
So while composite front doors can offer increased accessibility for the home owner, they can also decrease accessibility for the opportunist thief, that’s what they call the best of both worlds. conservatories south Wales