Electronics such as MP4 players are so hot, and still are, for almost a decade now. Tons of brands and designs have sprung up everywhere that choosing the best is like searching for a needle in a hay stack. Most people choose for style and utility. Others look for the best deals for their online and offline electronics store. Well, for the latter, look no further. This lens is for all of you who had been scouring the Web for wholesale MP4 and MP3 players. And where do you find the best wholesale deals for MP4 and MP3 players? China – the world’s largest electronics factory. The Joy of Having MP3 or MP4 Players Don’t you just love listening to your favorite jive anywhere? MP3 and MP4 players are useful accessories for audiophiles. Gone are the days when people carry portable cassette players on their shoulders, bouncing to their favorite upbeat tunes or fiddle around with their rather bulky walkmans. Today, thanks to digital technology, people carry around huge collections of their favorite tunes in a single compact digital device that we now know as MP3 players. With the advent of the more sophisticated MP4 players, we now also carry around with us our favorite movies. Do MP4 and MP3 Players Have to be Expensive? No, they don’t. Thanks to China’s low-cost but highly efficient labor market, MP3 and MP4 players can now be bought at wholesale at incredibly LOW, low prices without compromising quality and reliability. (I bought a couple of these last year and they are still in prime shape today.) What to Look for an MP4 or an MP3 PlayerAudio quality – Digital quality with superb highs and lows and clarity of vocal frequency really counts. So, whether you’re into Hip Hop, blues, metal or classical, you won’t be disappointed with the near CD quality of the sounds you’d love to hear. Versatility – Functions such as digital equalizer, repeat, FM receiver, shuffle, lyrics display are a plus. User-friendly – Basically, with all the digital functions integrated into most MP4 and MP3 players, you shouldn’t have any difficulties in navigating through all these functions. Reliability – You also shouldn’t have any trouble with battery life and the product’s durability. Mine is now over a year old but still works as well as it was when it was new. Design – Your MP4 or MP3 player shouldn’t be too bulky as a brick and should have a smooth curve design for ease of handling. Where to Look for the Best Wholesale MP4 and MP3 Players Whether you are a merchandiser searching for the holy grail of all wholesale electronics products or just looking around for the latest and cheap MP4 or MP3 player that’s right for your budget, the best place to start looking is China. You wouldn’t believe how incredibly low-priced their wholesale MP3 and MP4 players are. Best of all, these are all available with no minimum order quantity. youtube downloader mp4